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Air-Matt manufacture patient transfer equipment designed to enhance Safe Patient Handling programs. Their product range consist of air assisted lateral transfer replacement mats which are compatible with all of the major manufacturers transfer systems commonly in use today.

Air-Matt | Patient Transfer Mattresses
Air-Matt is a leading brand specialising in innovative pressure care solutions designed to enhance patient comfort and prevent pressure injuries in healthcare settings. With a strong focus on quality, durability, and cutting-edge technology, Air-Matt provides a range of premium air mattresses and support surfaces tailored to meet the needs of hospitals, aged care facilities, and home care environments. Air-Matt products are trusted by healthcare professionals worldwide for their effectiveness in improving patient outcomes and supporting long-term care.
Air-Matt are dedicated to providing affordable safe patient handling products to hospitals, long term care facilities and home health care providers. They believe by making these products more readily available to caregivers, caregiver injuries can be substantially reduced and the comfort and safety of patients will be enhanced.
Air-Matt Products
Single Patient Use Disposable Transfer Mattresses
Air-Matt Single Patient Use Disposable Transfer Mattress 86x198cm
Air-Matt Transfer Mattresses help to assist patient lateral transfers and repositioning in a range of healthcare settings. This includes hospitals, long-term care facilities or at home. They are designed for use or reuse with the same patient.
Features & Benefits:
Its materials consist of a vapour-permeable nylon and PVC fabric body, with a polypropylene cover, allowing for easy cleaning between use with a single patient. The breathability of the fabrics also allows comfort and safety for both patients and caregivers. The disposable mattress has a safe working load of 454kg.
- Brand: Air-Matt
- Product: Single Patient Use Disposable Transfer Mattress (AM34D)
- Dimensions: 86cmx198cm
- UOM: Box/10
- Image is sample of product
Single Patient Use Disposable Transfer Mattress 99x198cm – Box/10
Air-Matt Transfer Mattresses help to assist patient lateral transfers and repositioning in a range of healthcare settings. This includes hospitals, long-term care facilities or at home. They are designed for use or reuse with the same patient.
Features & Benefits:
Its materials consist of a vapour-permeable nylon and PVC fabric body, with a polypropylene cover, allowing for easy cleaning between use with a single patient. The breathability of the fabrics also allows comfort and safety for both patients and caregivers. The disposable mattress has a safe working load of 454kg.
- Brand: Air-Matt
- Product: Air-Matt Single Patient Use Disposable Transfer Mattress (AM39DNW)
- Dimensions: 99cmx198cm
- UOM: Box/10
- Image is sample of product
Single Patient Use Disposable Transfer Mattress 127x198cm - Box/5
Air-Matt Transfer Mattresses help to assist patient lateral transfers and repositioning in a range of healthcare settings. This includes hospitals, long-term care facilities or at home. They are designed for use or reuse with the same patient.
Features & Benefits:
Its materials consist of a vapour-permeable nylon and PVC fabric body, with a polypropylene cover, allowing for easy cleaning between use with a single patient. The breathability of the fabrics also allows comfort and safety for both patients and caregivers. The disposable mattress has a safe working load of 454kg.
- Brand: Air-Matt
- Product: Air-Matt Single Patient Use Disposable Transfer Mattress (AM50D)
- Dimensions: 127cmx198cm
- UOM: Box/5
- Image is sample of product
Air-Matt Air Supply Blower 120V
The Air-Matt Air Supply Blower provides a continuous air flow at 120V, to help inflate compatible Air-Matt mattresses.
- Brand: Air-Matt
- Product: Air-Matt Air Supply Blower (AMT120)
- 120V
- UOM: each
- Image is sample of product
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